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Our latest news

  • Silvestre


    'Silvestre' is winner 
    2. Tienen 2,102 pigeons
    10. Tienen 3,654 pigeons
    15. NPO Courtisols                  5,092 pigeons
    46. Bierges 3,046 pigeons

    Son 'Bert' X 'Grizzle Euro'

    Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
    Cortenoeverseweg 82
    6971 JK Brummen (NL)
    Tel: +31 575 538555


    AMAZING result 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25 etc Bierges against 3,597 pigeons Prize percentage 79%

    In this article, we bring you the race report for the natoerrace from Bierges, featuring both old and young pigeons.

  • Daughter Boela Bolt proclaimed 1. Regional Ace pigeon Youngsters Short-distance for Gerjan Remmerts from Wapenveld

    Daughter Boela Bolt proclaimed 1. Regional Ace pigeon Youngsters Short-distance for Gerjan Remmerts from Wapenveld

    As the first half of the young pigeon racing season draws to a close, Gerjan Remmerts from Wapenveld has every reason to celebrate.

  • Damian


    'Damian' is winner 4x 1. Prize incl.
    1. Quievrain 2,580 pigeons    
    1. Issoudun NPO South 867 pigeons 646 km
    2. Int. Provincial Gray 2,349 pigeons 520 km
    7. NPO Gien 3,372 pigeons 551 km
    17. Prov. Morlincourt                6,496 pigeons  
    20. Bierges                              1,941 pigeons  
    26. Nat. Issoudun  16.817 pigeons 646 km
    21. Provincial Issoudun 3,553 pigeons 646 km

    Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
    Cortenoeverseweg 82
    6971 JK Brummen (NL)
    Tel: +31 575 538555


    SUPER result 3, 6, 15, 27, 30, 36, 38, 47, 53, 57, 81, 88, 91 etc Provincial Issoudun against 1,826 pigeons 1, 2, 6, 10, 11, 12 etc NPO GOU South

    Today marks the final race for the old pigeons, the National flight from Issoudun. Nearly 17,000 pigeons are participating in this prestigious event, making it one of the most anticipated races of the season.

  • Ireen


    "Ireen" won 
    1. Nat. Ace pigeon PIPA Short-distance in 2022
    2. Nat. Ace pigeon NPO Short-Distance in 2022
    1. Weert 2,076 pigeons
      2. Provincial                            18,654 pigeons
    2. Provincial Boxmeer 12,927 pigeons
    1. Weert 1,181 pigeons
      5. Provincial 10,185 pigeons
    9. Provincial Venlo 7,593 pigeons
    13. Duiven 1,906 pigeons
    17. Provincial Heusden 19,142 pigeons
    17. Boxmeer 2,207 pigeons
    18. Heusden-Zolder 2,207 pigeons

    Owner Henk Douna

    Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
    Cortenoeverseweg 82
    6971 JK Brummen (NL)
    Tel: +31 575 538555


    STEADY 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 21, 24, 27, 31, 33, 42, 45, 46, 48 etc Chimay against 2,849 pigeons

    Today, our young pigeons face their fourth race of the season, with Chimay as the destination. The weather conditions are favorable, with a southwest wind, which promises high speeds and an exciting race.

  • Crack André


    Won a.o.
    1. Tienen 3,654 pigeons
    43. Bierges 2,490 pigeons
    46. Chalons en Champagne             5,589 pigeons

    Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
    Cortenoeverseweg 82
    6971 JK Brummen (NL)
    Tel: +31 575 538555


    FABULOUS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 10, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29 etc Tienen against 3,654 pigeons Prize percentage 86%

    Today marks the start of the first natoer race, signaling that the 2024 season is already nearing its end. The weather conditions look promising, providing a good opportunity for the pigeons to perform well.

  • <b>OVERWHELMING result</b> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30 etc Bierges against 3,351 pigeons

    OVERWHELMING result 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30 etc Bierges against 3,351 pigeons

    Today, our young pigeons embarked on their race from Bierges, covering a distance of 187 kilometers. The weather conditions were favorable, with a cloud cover and a light southwesterly tailwind, providing an optimal environment for a successful flight.

  • Report: TÜRKIYE PREMIUM Pigeon Race Season 2024

    Report: TÜRKIYE PREMIUM Pigeon Race Season 2024

    On August 1st, the finale of the TÜRKIYE PREMIUM Pigeon Race took place, covering a challenging distance of 504 kilometers. This prestigious event saw the participation of 820 pigeons, all competing for top honors.

  • Dutch triumph in Narbonne International for De Vreugd – van Beek from Rhenen against 21,356 pigeons

    Dutch triumph in Narbonne International for De Vreugd – van Beek from Rhenen against 21,356 pigeons

    The Dutch duo of Piet de Vreugd and Erik van Beek from Rhenen have achieved a resounding victory in the Narbonne International race with their 2-year-old cock, “King Narbonne”.

  • Lightning Blizzard


    Won a.o.
    1. Issoudun  797 pigeons
      14. Prov. Issoudun  3,553 pigeons
    16. Issoudun GOU South                  1,733 pigeons
    19. Provincial Melun 8,757 pigeons

    Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
    Cortenoeverseweg 82
    6971 JK Brummen (NL)
    Tel: +31 575 538555


    SUPER result 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 21, 22, 25 etc Issoudun (646km) against 797 pigeons 6, 9, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22 Northern Union against 3,505 pigeons

    This weekend brought another challenge as the race scheduled for Saturday had to be postponed to Sunday due to a persistent rain front along the flight path.

  • Vetblauwe Jackpot


    Super breeder "Vetblauwe Jackpot" is (grand)father
    1. Nat. Ace Yearlings De Allerbeste 2019
    1. Nat. Ace Long Distance Romania 2017
    1. Prov. Morlincourt              23,392 pigeons
    1. Prov. Soissons 14,730 pigeons
    1. Prov. Duiven 12,877 pigeons
    1. Prov. Weert 11.619 pigeons
    1. Prov. Morlincourt 8,903 pigeons
    1. Niergnies 7,042 pigeons
    1. Abda 5,910 pigeons
    1. Nat. Dizy le Gros 5,591 pigeons
    1. Niergnies 3,284 pigeons
    1. Quievrain 2,580 pigeons
    1. Chimay 2,545 pigeons
    1. Tabor 2,285 pigeons

    Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
    Cortenoeverseweg 82
    6971 JK Brummen (NL)
    Tel: +31 575 538555


    FABULOUS result 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 39 etc Tienen against 3,352 pigeons Prize percentage 58%

    After a week of forced rest due to canceled races because of unfavorable weather conditions for the young pigeons, the birds have now been released in Tienen.

  • Direct Eijerkamp pigeon wins 1. Provincial Luyksgestel against 5,068 pigeons for Henk Douna in Donkerbroek

    Direct Eijerkamp pigeon wins 1. Provincial Luyksgestel against 5,068 pigeons for Henk Douna in Donkerbroek

    A few weeks ago, Henk Douna clinched gold in the National Grand Prix Chalons en Champagne, winning 1. National against 9,709 pigeons with his champion pigeon “Boreen”

  • Dark Beetle


    Won a.o.
    6. Heusden-Zolder 6,324 pigeons
    8. Heusden-Zolder                           3,001 pigeons
    13. Issoudun 1,112 pigeons
    17. Prov. Bierges 6,198 pigeons
    22. Tongeren                                     2,989 pigeons
    23. Prov. Dizy le Gros 19,066 pigeons
    26. Marche 8,459 pigeons
    28. Dizy le Gros 8,293 pigeons
    34. Charlevilles 3,228 pigeons

    Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
    Cortenoeverseweg 82
    6971 JK Brummen (NL)
    Tel: +31 575 538555


    Race Report: Issoudun (664km) - Eijerkamp-Paalman

    Despite the loft’s day-long distance racing team still being under development, Eijerkamp-Paalman entered 34 pigeons for the Issoudun race.